Welcome, great EduPodian. Are you searching for Basic Science Lesson Note for second term JSS1 or Scheme of Work for JSS1 Second Term Basic Science Lesson Note? If yes, then Search no more! You are in the right place.


This Lesson Note on Basic Science for JSS1 second term covers weekly prepared lesson notes and each of them is rich in classwork, curriculum compliant, and syllabus based.

The lesson note is well-detailed with adequate evaluation to ensure that the learning objectives are achieved.

The scheme of work used in preparing the lesson note is based on the latest unified NERDC/UBE curriculum which is suitable for all schools in all the States in Nigeria.

Keep reading, you will find the Link to Download the complete lesson note in Ms-Word (Microsoft Word) Editable format below.

Basic Science Scheme of Work for JSS1 Second Term

WEEK 1: Disease prevention: Clean water

WEEK 2: Prevention of STI’s, HIV\AIDS

WEEK 3: Drug Abuse/Addiction/misuse and sources of drugs

WEEK 4: The earth in space

WEEK 5: Description of eclipse, climate and seasons

WEEK 6: Matter

WEEK 7: Classification of matter

WEEK 8: Plants and animals

WEEK 9: Characteristics of living things

WEEK 10: Activities of living things

WEEK 11: Revision for the term

WEEK 12: Examination

WEEK 13: Examination


NOTE: We have Secondary School Lesson Notes for ALL SUBJECTS, JSS1 – SS3 (first, second and third term). To see the Available Subjects, place your order and Download any of the Lesson Notes, CLICK HERE.



Below are the Excerpts (Samples) of the 2022 Complete Basic Science Lesson Notes for JSS1 Second Term

WEEK 1: Disease Prevention

-Water borne diseases; cholera, diarrhea, typhoid.
-Sources of clean water
-Water treatment processes
-Immunization against human diseases

Sub-topic 1
Water borne diseases
Diseases caused by unclean (dirty) water are called water borne diseases. The following are some of the water borne diseases.

(1) CHOLERA: It is caused by harmful bacteria that inflame the intestine and cause extreme diarrhea. Cholera is… To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.


If you want the complete JSS1 Basic Science Lesson Note for 1st, 2nd & 3rd term, CLICK HERE to order and Download the notes now!


WEEK 2: Prevention of STI’S, HIV/AIDS


Content: 1. Definition of STI’s HIV\AIDS
2. Safe age for reproduction.
3. Abstinence, responsible sexual behavior
4. Avoid use of unscreened blood, injection, needles and clippers.

Sub-Topic 1: Definition of STI’s HIV\AIDS.STI’S means sexually transmitted infections. These are diseases that can be contracted through sexual activities. Examples include gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, Chlamydia, Candida infections and HIV and AIDS.

Aids is a very dangerous disease. The full meaning of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. An aid is…  To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.

WEEK 3: Drug Abuse/Addiction/Misuse


Content: 1. Meaning of Drugs.
2. Uses of drug
3. Side effects of drugs.
4. Drugs\ substances abuse.
5. Misuse of drugs
6. Other substances abuse

Sub-Topic 1: Meaning of drug:.
Drugs can be defined as any substance used to make medicine to cure disease and ailment or any substance which when introduced in to the body cures the body illness.
Examples of drugs are… To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.

WEEK 4: The earth in space


Content: 1. The solar system.
2. Rotation, evolution of the earth and moon.
3. The place beyond the atmosphere which is extremely large
Is called space.

Sub-Topic 1: The Solar System
The planet earth, on which we live, is moving through space all the time. It is going round the sun. In doing this it carries us all through space. The earth travels through the space but…  To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.


NOTE: We also have Primary School Lesson Notes, Primary 1 – Primary 6 (first, second and third term). To see the Available Subjects and our pricing, CLICK HERE.


Basic Science Lesson Note for JSS1 (Second Term)

WEEK 5: Description of Eclipse, climate and seasons



1. Eclipse
2 Climate and the Seasons.
Sub-Topic 1: Eclipse
Sun is a large luminous body from which light shines on to the earth and the moon. Because of the movement of the earth and the moon, it is possible for one to shield (Eclipse) the other from the sun.

There are three types of eclipse:
1. An eclipse of the moon: this is formed when… To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.



CONTENT: 1. Meaning of matter
2. Identification of matter.

Sub-Topic 1: Meaning of matter
Matter is anything in nature that has mass and occupies space. Stone, paper, plant, air, water, rubber etc. are made up of matter. Matter is made up of small particles called atoms.
1. What is a matter?
2. Explain an experiment to show that particles move from one to another

Sub-topic 2: Identification of matter
Matter is classified into…  To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.



CONTENT 1: States of matter

State of Matter:
Matter can be classified into the following group:
I. Living and non-living things
II. Using state of matter
III. Using physical criteria like size, weight, texture, shape, color, smell, taste.
There are… To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.



CONTENT: 1. Examples of plants and animals
2. Characteristics of plant and animals
3. Uses/importance of plants and animals
4. Food, Medicine, Shelter
5. Economic Importance

Sub-Topic1: Examples of plants and animals.
The living things can be divided into plants and animals. Toad, housefly, ostrich, fish are examples of animals. Maize plant, grass, yam, hibiscus are examples of plants… To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.


Basic Science Lesson Note for JSS1 (Second Term)

WEEK 9: Characteristics of living things



1.Charateristics of Living Things
2. Differences between plants and animals.

Sub-Topic 1: Characteristics of Living Things
Living things can move.
Living things can reproduce.
Living things can … To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.

WEEK 10: Revsion


Revsion of term’s work… To Download the Full Lesson Note Online, CLICK HERE. You can also reach us on WhatsApp, Click Here to Chat with us.


WEEK 11: Revision

WEEK 12: Examination

WEEK 13: Examination


If you want the complete JSS1 Basic Science Lesson Note for 1st, 2nd & 3rd term, CLICK HERE to order and Download the notes now!


Why should you purchase Basic Science Lesson Note for second term JSS1?

The content of the lesson note is well-structured with adequate evaluation.

The lesson note will help the teacher know the topics to teach and how to teach them to achieve learning objectives.

It will instill confidence in the teacher when delivering the lesson note in the classroom and inspire respect from the students.

It will help you to avoid over-reliance on textbooks giving you more time to focus and teach.

For the students, it will serve as a study guide helping them to stay ahead of the class.

For Parents who wish to home-school their children, this is a helpful compendium.

NOTE: The complete 2nd term Basic Science Lesson Note for JSS1 is available, CLICK HERE to Download It. 


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