Welcome great EduPodian, here is your First Term JSS1 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the First Term JSS1 Agricultural Science Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1 Meaning and Importance of Agriculture.
2 Importance of Agricultural contd.
3 Historical Development (Evolution) of Agriculture.
4 Areas/Branches of Agriculture I.
5 Areas/Branches of Agriculture II.
6 Forms of Agriculture I.
7 Forms of Agriculture II.
8 Crop Plant Forms.
9 Classification of Crops Based on Lifecycle.
10 Classification of Crops Based on Uses.
11 Revision.
12 Examination.

• Prescribed Agricultural Science for Junior Secondary Schools , Book 1, by S.A Omoruyi et al.
• Junior Secondary Agriculture for Nigerian Schools, Book 1, by Anthony Youdeowei et al.

• Definition of Agriculture.
• Importance of Agriculture.

Agriculture is defined in many ways. Any of the following definition is accepted when defining the term.
• Agriculture is the deliberate effort made by man to till the soil, grow crops and rear animals for food and other purposes.
• Agriculture can also be defined as the art or practice of growing crops and raising of animal for man’s use.
• Agriculture can also be defined as the science, art and business of growing crops and rearing animal for man’s use.

The word agriculture is derived from Latin word “ager” and “cultura”. “Ager” means field/land and “cultura” means to cultivate or to till the soil and prepare it for the planting of crop.

Agriculture can be traced to the earliest human societies. They relied on hunting and the collection of fruits and roots for food and subsequently began planting near their dwellings (caves) which laid the foundation of crop production.The domestication of animals later followed and this was what laid foundation for the development of modern animal husbandry

The system of agriculture practiced by the early man is called hunting and gathering.

1. What is agriculture?
2. Name the system of agriculture practiced by early man.

1. Provision of food.It is only through agriculture that man can get food. It provide food inform of maize, yam, milk, egg etc. for human consumption.
2. Provision of materials for clothing: Agriculture provides fibre and cotton for textile. It provideshides and shelter, clothing, shoes, belts, caps and bags.
3. Provision of materials for shelter:Agriculture provides material essential for building
such as plants doors, windows, roofs, partitions, floor etc

1. What is Agriculture?
2. State seven four importance of Agriculture.

1. What is Agriculture?
2. List three basic necessities of man.
3. In what five ways is Agriculture important to man?
4. Mention four importance of Agriculture.

Junior Secondary Agriculture For Nigerian Schools by Anthony Youdeowei, S.O Adesiyan, J.N Ogbazi, Terry Olowu. Chapter 3, pages 1-2.

1. The basic necessities of life includes the following except?
(a) clothing (b) shelter (c) education (d) food
2. Which of the following stages of agriculture did early man practice? (a) subsistence
(b) Commercial (c) Hunting and gathering (d) Monoculture.
3. “ager” means ____ and “cultura” means ____ (a) field, cultivate (b) cultivate, field
(c) tilling, sowing (d) planting, tilling
4. “ager” and “cultura” are ____ words (a)yoruba (b) latin (c) greek(d) chinese
5. The following are export crops expect (a) cocoa (b) groundnut (c) coffee (d) apple

1. What do you understand by the term ‘Agriculture’?
2. State four importance of Agriculture.

WEEK TWO…. CLICK HERE to download the complete lesson note.

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