Welcome great EduPodian, here is your First Term JSS2 Basic Technology Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the First Term JSS2 Basic Technology Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1. First Aids and Materials
2. Rescue Operations
3. Uses of Materials (Wood and Metals)
4. Uses of Materials (Ceramics, Plastics and Rubber)
5. Geometrical Construction; Lines
6-7 . Angles
8. Triangles
9. Circle
10. Construction of Tangent to a Circle.
11. Revision
12. Examination

1. MELROSE, Basic Science and Technology, Book 2
2. NERDC, Basic Technology for JSS, Book 2

• Definition of First Aid.
• Aims and Objectives of First Aid.
• Materials in the First Aid Box.
• Application of Simple First Aid.
• Uses of Materials in the First Aid Box.

First aid can be defined as the simple medical treatment that is given as soon as possible to someone who is injured or who suddenly becomes ill and injured.
First aid is the immediate treatment given to an injured person before being taken to the hospital or before the arrival of a doctor.

First aid kit is a small box or bag with the equipment that someone needs in order to give first aid. During metal work or woodwork activities in the workshop, everybody should be at alert to give first aid because a little carelessness can lead to an accident. Sometimes, the hazards and accidents could be very dangerous and life-threatening. In order to salvage the life involved, there is need to provide first aid fast and to have first aid skills.

1. To save life.
2. To prevent injury from getting worse.
3. To reduce pains as much as possible.

1. Explain the term “First Aid”.
2. Mention three aims and objectives of first aid.

Some of the domestic and workplace accidents include:
Suffocation: Suffocation poses a great danger to people. This is the reason for proper ventilation of the workshop.
Cut: Cut results whenever the skin is opened, torn or punctured by such sharp objects as knives, broken bottles and glasses, scissors or any rough edge.
Bruises: A bruise occurs when the body is given a blow with sufficient force. The blow may be applied directly or from a fall in which the body strikes against a fixed surface. There is bleeding under the skin without breaking it.
Fire Accidents: Fire accident from inflammable liquids and electrical appliances are very disastrous.
Electric Shocks: Caused either by naked electric wire or careless handling of electric appliances.

The First aid box is a container, where materials used to give simple medical treatment before the arrival of a doctor are kept. The box could be made of wood or metal, but it is usually painted white and with an “addition” sign written in red. The box comes in different sizes depending on the amount of the items.
The first aid box must be clearly marked with its name or with a large red cross, so that everybody can easily recognize it. Contents in the first aid box include:
a) A roll of cotton wool
b) Safety pins
c) Vaseline
d) Razor blade
e) A clinical thermometer
f) Different sizes of bandages
g) 1 bottle of antiseptic cream
h) Embrocating
i) Scissors
j) A bottle of antiseptic fluid such as Dettol or Savlon, for washing cuts and bruises etc.

1. Mention three types of accidents that require first aid treatment.
2. List five items that can be found in a first aid box.
Applications of Simple First Aid
The cases of accidents where first aid treatment is used include:
1. Simple cuts which cause bleeding: The bleeding is drained with cotton wool and iodine. Penicillin ointment is put on before it is covered with plaster.
2. Snakebites or scorpions’ stings: These can be treated by tying a rope above the bite point. A razor blade is used to make one or two marks on the bite points so that the poison can flow out
3. Respiratory problem: The victim is made to lie down face up. The belly of the victim is pressed gently to release water through his mouth and nose. If the patient still does not breathe, try a mouth to mouth resuscitation by putting your mouth on his mouth and blowing air into his lungs forcefully.
4. High fever: It can be treated by removing the clothes of the patient. A wet towel is then used on his body to cool down the temperature.
5. Dog bite: Clean with Savlon, apply iodine or TBC. Dress the wound with bandage. Then go to hospital for anti-rabies.
6. Broken arms: Clean and dress wound if any. Splint (bandage with ruler or stick). Go to the hospital.
7. Hot object and hot palm oil: Clean gently with Savlon and then apply gentian violent (G.V. Paint) or dermacin cream, give antibiotics.
8. Electric shock: Firstly, switch off the source of power supply. The victim is then made to lie down to rest for a while, give milk if necessary.
9. Febrile convulsion: This happens when body temperature is too high. Tepid sponge (mop with ordinary water). Protect the tongue with spoon covered with bandage in the mouth. Do not give any drug.
10. Epilepsy: Remove all dangerous objects from his surroundings. Lay him on one side until he is conscious (awake).

1. Describe how you will apply first aid to a victim of
(a) high fever (b) electric shock (c) a scorpion bite.
2. Mention five (5) cases of accidents where first aid is needed.


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