Welcome great EduPodian, here is your First Term JSS3 Basic Science Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

1. Drug and Substance Abuse
2. Flooding
3. Deforestation and Desertification
4. Bush Burning
5. Depletion of Ozone Layer and its Effects.
6. Resources from living things/Economic Importance of Resource
7. Resources from Non-living Things: Solid Minerals, their Location and Importance
8. Light energy
9. Sound energy
10. Magnetism

• BasicScience Made Easy for JSS Three by F.I Kehinde et al
• BasicScience Made Easy for JSS Two by F.I Kehinde et al
• STAN Integrated Science for JSS Three
• Precious Seeds Basic Science for JSS three by J.O Otugboyegaet al.

Week 1:

– Definition
– Health Effects of Drug Abuse on Youth
– Strategies on How to Live an Healthy Drug Free Life
– Roles of National Drug Control Agency (NDCA)

Drug abuse is the excessive use or continuous use of drugs without regard for accepted medical practice. When a drug is used to incite pleasure or escape reality, especially without the doctor’s prescription, is said to be abused.

Substances can also be abused when they are taken beyond acceptable limits. Excess intake of alcohol, cigarette, Marijuana and Indian helm are all example of substance abuse.

Drug and substance abuse has some immediate effects like lightheadedness, stomach upset, skin rashes, injection abscesses and so on but there are also more chronic effects like:
1. There is a ‘crash’ after the ‘high’ of taking drugs. There is usually fatigue, depression, anxiety and dependence after the drug effect has worn off.
2. Drug abusers easily… Click here to order the complete Basic Science Lesson Note for JSS3 first term

Week 2:

• Introduction.
• Causes of Flooding.
• Factors that Affects Flooding.
• Consequences of Flooding.
• How to Control Flooding.

Flood is a disastrous overflow of water from a lake or other body of water due to excessive rainfall or other input of water.

When there is heavy rain, so much water flows in=to the rivers that they come over the tops of their banks and flood the land. This can be useful in many places as the flood carries a lot of silt into the flooded area thereby making that area very good for agriculture. However, if the floods are deep i.e., much, they can be harmful as they can destroy villages, etc… Click here to order the complete first term Basic Science Lesson Note for JSS3

Week 3:

• Definition of Deforestation
• Causes of Deforestation
• Effects of Deforestation
• Control of Deforestation

Deforestation is the continuous removal of trees without replacing or replanting them. Deforestation is also the permanent destruction of forest in order to make land available for other uses.

1. Removal of trees to make land available for the construction of roads, building of houses and industries, recreational centres and so on.
2. Indiscriminate logging by… Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Basic Science JSS3 first term

Week 4:
Get the complete First Term JSS3 Basic Science Lesson Note
Week 5:
Get the complete JSS3 Lesson Note on Basic Science first term
Week 6:
Get the complete JSS3 first term Lesson Note on Basic Science
Week 7:
Get the complete First Term JSS3 Basic Science Lesson Note
Week 8:
Get the complete lesson for JSS3 Basic Science first term
Week 9:
Get the complete first term Lesson Note on Basic Science JSS3
Week 10:
Get the complete First Term JSS3 Basic Science Lesson Note

PS: You can download the Complete MS Word (editable) Version of this note directly to your device (phone or computer). To download, CLICK HERE.


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