Welcome great EduPodian, here is your First Term JSS3 Basic Technology Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the First Term JSS3 Basic Technology Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1. Career prospect and opportunities in technology
2. processing of materials
3. processing of wood
– seasoning
4. processing of wood
– defect in wood
– preservation
5. processing metal
6. processing of ceramics, plastics and rubber
7. drawing practices
– isometric drawing
8. oblique drawing
9. perspective drawing
10. orthographic drawing

Week 1: Carrier opportunities in technology
We use technology more than ever these days to stay connected to our friends and family, get up-to-date on the latest and greatest happenings in our world and sometimes just to pass the time. With all the computers, tablets, smartphones and other high-tech devices our society is dependent on, we need the skills of professionals in technology jobs to make our obsession with tech possible. The Labour Department predicts… 

LESSON NOTE DOWNLOAD…. CLICK HERE to download the complete lesson note.

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PS: If you would rather download this lesson note (the complete Ms Word Editable Version), then CLICK HERE.



  • Edupodia

    Thanks Musa Joshua for leaving a comment. We are happy to hear that you love our work.

  • Musa Joshua

    I love your research work

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