Welcome great EduPodian, here is your First Term JSS3 Civic Education Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

1 review of last term’s work
2 Role of Citizen’s in constitutional development
Process of constitutional development
3 National Security
Meaning; The role of citizen in mainting national unity e.g. vigilance, patriotism, obedience etc.
4 National security agencies: Military, Para-Military Services (Civil Defence), Police, State Security Service (SSS), Immigration Service etc
5 Self Employment (1)
Meaning of self employment
Forms e.g. Fashion Designing, Carpentary, Decoration, Bead making etc
Need for self employment
6 Self Employment (2)
Sources of funding
Agencies promoting self employment
Skills acquisition centres i.e. Women Development Centres (WDC)
Government Technical Centres
7 Managing for Results
Definition of Management
Need for effective Management
Benefits for effective Management
8 General Revision
9 & 10 JSCE Examination

Week 1:
Review of last term work… Click here to order the complete Civic Education Lesson Note for JSS3 first term

Week 2:

Topic: The role of citizen in constitutional developments

1. Citizen vote to elect their representatives to the national assembly and House of Representatives, they are the major pillars in sponsoring bills to amend any section of the constitution.
2. Sending memorandum to… Click here to order the complete first term Civic Education Lesson Note for JSS3

Week 3:

Topic: National Security
National security could mean any defence plan by a nation which is good enough to successfully resist hostile or destructive action inside or outside a country.

1. Vigilance involves being conscious of the happenings within the environment. Vigilance helps in curbing the activities of vandals of government property e.g Transformers, Workers pioes, oil and gas pipelines e.t.c.
2. Supply of useful information to security agents: Citizens should report to… Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS3 first term

Week 4:
Get the complete First Term JSS3 Civic Education Lesson Note
Week 5:
Get the complete JSS3 Lesson Note on Civic Education first term
Week 6:
Get the complete JSS3 first term Lesson Note on Civic Education
Week 7:
Get the complete First Term JSS3 Civic Education Lesson Note
Week 8:
Get the complete lesson for JSS3 Civic Education first term
Week 9:
Get the complete first term Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS3
Week 10:
Get the complete First Term JSS3 Civic Education Lesson Note

PS: You can download the Complete MS Word (editable) Version of this note directly to your device (phone or computer). To download, CLICK HERE.


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