Welcome great EduPodian, here is your First Term SS3 Biology Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the First Term SS3 Biology Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1. Regulation of internal environment, structures and function of the kidney, diseases, effects and remedy.
2. Liver: – Structure, functions and diseases, Skin: – Structure, functions, diseases and care.
3. Hormones: – Location, secretion, function, effects of over-secretion and under-secretion.
4. Nervous co-ordination: – CNS component, structure and functions of the brain and spinal cord
5. The peripheral nervous system and the neurone.
6. Reflex and voluntary actions, conditional reflex.
7. Sensory organs: – Skin as a sense organ, organ of sight (The eye).
8. Organ of hearing, smell and taste.
9. Development of new organisms (Courtship behavior in animals, Stages in development of toad, insects)
10. Development of new organisms (Seeds, fruits in plants, Germination of seeds)

• College Biology by Idodo Umeh
• Modern Biology for Senior Secondary Schools by S.T. Ramlingam
• Essential Biology by M.C Michael
• New Biology by H. Stone and Cozen
• SSCE, past questions and answers
• UME and CAMBRIDGE past questions and answers
• Biology practical text

– Homeostasis, mechanism and structures of homeostasis
– Structures of the Kidney
– Functions of the Kidney
– Kidney diseases, effects and remedy

Homeostasis is the process by which a fairly constant internal environment is maintained in an organism. The internal environment of an organism is made up of the body fluid such as blood, lymph and tissue fluid. For efficient functions of body cells and healthy growth, a living organism must be able to adjust to any change in the physical and chemical conditions of its body fluids. These conditions include temperature, PH, osmotic pressure, concentrations of dissolved substances and mineral ions.

Homeostatic processes are control mechanisms which are used to detect and adjust to changes in the internal environment of the organism. These mechanisms usually include:
a. Sensory detectors which recognize a change in a given condition and stimulate the relevant body parts.
b. Effectors organs or glands which react and restore the normal state.

Osmoregulation (homeostasis) in unicellular organism is ensured by the use of contractile vacuole. The main organs involved in homeostasis in multicellular organisms include; kidney, liver, skin, ductless glands (hormones) and the brain which has the overall control of the homeostatic process in the body.

1. What is homeostasis? List four factors of homeostasis.
2. List four structures of homeostasis in multicellular animals


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