NAME OF SCHOOL: (put name of school here)




CLASS:           JSS 2

NUMBER IN CLASS: (put total number of students in class here)


MAIN AIM: To help the students understand the internet as well as the resources it provides to users.

SUBSIDIARY OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson periods, the students should be able to:

  • Define digital divide,
  • Define and Identify internet search engines and their uses,
  • Use the search engines to obtain information and download materials on the internet, and common internet terminologies.

PERSONAL AIM: To help the students understand how to obtain materials on the internet.

ASSUMPTIONS: Most of the students know what the internet is, and how to use the internet.

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Few students may not know how to obtain educational materials from the internet.

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: The teacher assists the students in searching and obtaining educational materials from the internet.

TEACHING AIDS: Marker board, Marker Pen, Google.

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: New Computer Studies for Junior Secondary Schools.


PREVIOUS LESSON: Teacher Recapitulates on previous Lessons.

STEP 1: Definition of Internet

The internet is a network that connects millions of computers all over the world to form a single network. The internet is also called International Network. It allows computers to communicate as long as they are connected to it..

Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

It is a public network that can be used by everybody. It can also be referred to as the networks of networks


STEP 2: Search Engines

The search engines usually referred to as web search engine, is a software program that helps users find information stored on a personal computer or a network of computers such as the internet. The search engine provides an active link to web sites containing the information the user is looking for.

Uses of search engines

  • A search engine is used to obtain information from the internet.
  • It is used to download data from the internet.

Also, some search engines are used for specific purpose like the google groups, google news, and google book search.

Examples of search engines;

Common search engines on the internet include:

  • Google (google.com) from google incorporated.
  • Yahoo (yahoo.com) from yahoo incorporated.
  • com (www.ask.com)
  • Bing (www.bing.com)
  • Wikipedia (wikipedia.com) from Wikipedia foundation.

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STEP 3: Using Search Engines to obtain information.

The following steps should be taken in sourcing for information using a search engine:

  1. On the window search bar, type in the search terms such as the keyword or phrase, e.g reproduction in mammals.
  2. Allow the search engine to display a list of World Wide Web sites, personal computer files, documents, or computer network being searched.
  3. Click on the relevant topic that relates to your search terms. This is displayed on your screen.
  4. You can read, copy, print or save the displayed items.

How to download information from the internet into a storage medium.

To download information into the diskette or flash drive, take the following steps;

  1. Open the information from the site.
  2. Insert your diskette or flash driver into the appropriate bay.
  3. On the Menu bar of the site window, click on File Menu.
  4. Click on Save as.
  5. Type in file name.
  6. Click on Save

 Common Internet Terminologies

DOWNLOADING: Downloading is the transmission of files or data from a web page or computer system to another computer system or storage medium. To download is to request and receive data to a local system from a remote system such as web server, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server, email server and other similar systems. A download is any file that is offered for downloading.


UPLOADING: This is sending of data from a local system to a remote system such as a server with the intent that the remote system should save a copy of whatever is being transferred.

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BROWSING: This is the act of viewing and moving about between documents on the computer networks.


BROWSE: To browse means to locate, download, send or display documents containing text, video, graphics, photos located on a computer network, etc.


INTERNET BROWSER: Internet browser is a software that allows users to access the web information by locating documents on remote that functions as web servers.


SURFING: This is also called browsing or cruising. Surfing involves moving from one document to another on the internet by using the links in the documents, especially in a casual manner.


COPYING: This is an act of duplicating and transferring the content of a page on the internet to another location.


SAVING: This is an act of sorting the content of a web page for fortune use. Saved documents are usually given a file name.


World Wide Web (www): www is the abbreviation for World Wide Web. It is also called web. It is a medium which allows people to get in formation that is available on the internet. The World Wide Web is a computer-based network of information resources that combines text and multimedia. Information on the World Wide Web can be accessed and searched through the internet.

EVALUATION (individual)

  1. Define the internet and give five benefits of the internet? (1.5 marks)
  2. What are search engines used for and give five (5) examples of

search engines (1.5 marks)


  • Internet is the abbreviation for ‘international network’. It is a network that connects millions of computers all over the world together to form a single network
  • www (World Wide Web) also called web is a medium which allows people to get information that is available on the internet. World Wide Web is thus a computer-based network of information resources that combine text and multimedia.
  • A search engine is a software program that helps users find information stored on a personal computer, or on a network of computers such as the internet. It is a major tool that is employed in getting information from the internet.
  • Examples of search engines are Google, Microsoft network (MSN), yahoo, Wikipedia, ask.com. and bing.com.

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  1. Define the term search engine and give four (4) examples

of search engines? (1mark)

  1. Give steps on how to download data from the internet? (1 mark)
  2. Write a short note on the following: (1 mark)
  3. Uploading
  4. Downloading
  5. Copying
  6. Browsing
  7. Saving



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