The Civic Education Lesson Note for Primary 4 1st, 2nd & 3rd Term covers the topics below.
1st, 2nd & 3rd Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4:
First Term
WK 1: Our values
WK 2: Respect for other people’s culture
WK 3: Community leadership
Week 4: Communalism
WK 5: Types of Government
WK 6: Difference between traditional and constitutional form of government
WK 7: Democracy
WK 8: Local Government
WK 9: State Government
WK 10: The role of state government to the people (e.g. building of roads, provision
of jobs for people)
Second Term
1 Revision
2 Responsibilities of every member of the family
3. Civic value
4 National Consciousness
5 National consciouness
6 Ethnicity
7 Consequences of ethnicity
8 Solutions to problems of ethnicity
9. Constituted authority
10 Responsibilities of constituted authority
11 Responsibilities of constituted author
Third Term
1. Revision for last term work
2. Traffic Regulations:
*Meaning of traffic regulation
*Traffic signs
*Importance of traffic regulation.
3. Traffic regulations continuation
*Reasons we need to obey traffic regulations
4. Agencies enforcing traffic regulation.
5. Problems of traffic regulations.
6. Solutions to problems of traffic regulations.
7. Attitude to accident victims.
8. Health issues.
*Personal Hygiene.
*Meaning of clothes
*Reasons people wears clothes.
9. Types of clothes suitable under different weathers.
10. Types of clothes suitable for different occupation.
11. How to keep our dirty clothes clean.
*Items used for keeping our clothes
12. Revision
13. Examination
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