This lesson note covers the following topics for SS1 Second Term Further Mathematics:
1 Arithmetic Progression (AP)
2 Geometric Progression (GP)
3 Linear inequalities in one variable
4 Inequalities in two variables (Graph of inequalities)
5 Introduction to the concept of functions.
6 Review of half term work.
7 Functions (one – to – one, onto, composite and inverse functions)
8 Trigonometric ratio: Graph of Sine, Cosine and tangent of angles, deviation of trigonometric ratio of special angles (300, 450 and 600). Application of trigonometric ratios.
9 Logical reasoning: Simple True and False statement, Negation, Converse and Contra positive of statement,
10 Logical reasoning continues: Compound statement, connectives and their symbols, conditional statements and symbols.
11 Revision of Second Term’s lesson
12 Examination
FutherMaths Project 1 and 2 by TuttuhAdegun (main text).
Additional Mathematics by Godman
Further Mathematics by E. Egbe et al.
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