Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term JSS1 Basic Science Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

1. Disease prevention: Clean water
2. Prevention of STI’s, HIV\AIDS.
3. Drug Abuse/Addiction/misuse and sources of drugs
4. The earth in space.
5. Description of eclipse, climate and seasons.
6. Matter.
7. Classification of matter.
8. Plants and animals.
9. Characteristics of living things.
10. Activities of living things.
11. Revision for the term.
12. Examination.

Week 1:
TOPIC: Disease Prevention
-Water borne diseases; cholera, diarrhea, typhoid.
-Sources of clean water
-Water treatment processes
-Immunization against human diseases
Sub-topic 1
Water borne diseases
Diseases caused by unclean (dirty) water are called water borne diseases. The following are some of the water borne diseases.
(1) CHOLERA: It is caused by harmful bacteria that inflame the intestine and cause extreme diarrhea. Cholera is the most common diseases that can be contacted by drinking unclean water.
The symptom of cholera is frequent stooling with vomiting which lead to dehydration. Cholera can be prevented by boiling water before drinking.
2. DYSENTRY: It can be caused by a one-celled animal called
Amoeba or by certain bacteria.
3. DIARRHOEA: the symptom of… Click here to order the complete Basic Science Lesson Note for JSS1 second term

Week 2:

Topic: Prevention of STI’S, HIV/AIDS.

Content: 1. Definition of STI’s HIV\AIDS
2. Safe age for reproduction.
3. Abstinence, responsible sexual behavior
4. Avoid use of unscreened blood, injection, needles and clippers.

Sub-Topic 1: Definition of STI’s HIV\AIDS.STI’S means sexually transmitted infections. These are diseases that can be contracted through sexual activities. Examples include gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, Chlamydia, Candida infections and HIV and AIDS.

Aids is a very dangerous disease. The full meaning of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. An aid is caused by a virus called Human Immune deficiency Virus (HIV). HIV-AIDS has no cure yet. Human body has an Immune defense system which protects our bodies against attacks from diseases. The virus (HIV) damages this… Click here to order the complete second term Basic Science Lesson Note for JSS1

Week 3:

Topic: Drug Abuse/Addiction/Misuse
Content: 1. Meaning of Drugs.
2. Uses of drug
3. Side effects of drugs.
4. Drugs\ substances abuse.
5. Misuse of drugs
6. Other substances abuse

Sub-Topic 1: Meaning of drug:.
Drugs can be defined as any substance used to make medicine to cure disease and ailment or any substance which when introduced in to the body cures the body illness.
Examples of drugs are: –
I. Aspirin
II. Phensic
III. Panadol
IV. Kola nut
V. Alcohol
There are two types of drugs… Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Basic Science JSS1 second term

Week 4:
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Week 5:
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Week 6:
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Week 7:
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Week 8:
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Week 9:
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Week 10:
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PS: You can download the Complete MS Word (editable) Version of this note directly to your device (phone or computer). To download, CLICK HERE.


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