Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term JSS2 Computer Science Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1. Revision of first terms work

2. Programming Language: (a) Meaning of computer program (b) Computer Programming Language i. Meaning ii. Examples (Logo, BASIC, etc)

3 & 4 BASIC: (a) Basic Language: i. Meaning of BASIC ii. BASIC character set
(b) Key BASIC Statement: i. Line number ii. Remark (REM) iii. Assignment (LET, INPUT, DATA). iv. Output Statement v. Print vi. Program Terminator (END, STOP) (c) Simple BASIC Statements.

5&6 Graphic Packages 1: (a) Meaning of graphic package (b) Examples of graphic package: paint, Corel Draw, Instant Artist, Harvard graphics, Photo shops, log graphic etc (c) Features of graphic packages: Tool bar, Menu bar, Printable area, Colour Palette. etc.

7&8 Graphic packages II: The Paint: (i) The Paint Environment – identification of features of the paint environment. (ii) Paint tools and their functions

9. Graphic Packages II: (iii) Using Paint to draw and colour simple objects. (Practical work)

10. Revision

11. Examination




Activity: Revision of first terms work

Date: __________

Topic: Programming Language: Meaning of Computer program, computer programming language – meaning, examples

CONTENT: i. Meaning of computer program
ii. Computer programming language – meaning, example (Logo, BASIC etc)

Meaning of computer program
A set of instructions to the computer to perform a specific task written in a specific programming language is called computer program.

Meaning of programming language
A programming language is the language in which a computer programmer writes the instructions which a computer should follow in solving a given problem.

A programmer is someone who writes instructions for computer to perform a specific task. Programming is the act of writing instructions for computer to perform a specific task. A computer person that writes a set of instructions for the computer to obey is referred to as computer programmer.

The three main categories of programming languages are:
1. Machine language
2. Low level language
3. High level language

Machine Language
A language in which the computer performs the instructions immediately without any further transaction is called machine language. The machine language is the computer primary language. It is the only language that the computer understands and does not require interpretation. It is usually written in the forms of Os and Is. Machine language is referred to as the first generation programming language because it was the earliest computer programming language.

Low Level Language
Low level language is machine dependent language written in symbolic codes but human being understands it better than machine language. It must be translated to machine language before execution. They are very difficult to use and cannot be used interchangeably on different types of computer. However, they also produce the fastest programs.

High level language
High level language is… LESSON NOTE DOWNLOAD…. CLICK HERE to download the complete lesson note.

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  • Ekine Pakaye

    Lesson note on programming language

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