Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term JSS3 Computer Science Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term JSS3 Computer Science Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1 Revision of First term work
2. Spreadsheet Packages:
First Period: (a) Meaning (b) Examples of spreadsheet package: (i) Excel (ii) LOTUS 1,2,3 (iii) Statview etc.
Second Period: (b) Uses of spreadsheet packages: (i) preparation of daily sales (ii) Budget
(iii) Examination result, etc.
3. Spreadsheet packages cont.
First & second
period: (a) Spreadsheet features and terminologies (i) Row (ii) Column (iii)) Cell
(iv) Worksheet (v) Chart (vi) Data range etc.
(b) Loading and exiting spreadsheet packages.
4. Worksheets
First Period: (a) Starting Excel worksheet: i.e. (i) opening a worksheet (ii) Data entry (iii) Editing (iv) saving (v) Retrieving worksheet
Second Period: (b) Formatting worksheet, i.e. (text, cell and column, naming, etc)
5. Worksheets cont.
First period: (c) Excel calculations: (i) Addition (ii) Subtraction (iii) Average (iv) Counting (v) Multiplication (vi) Division, etc
Second: (d) Printing of worksheets
6. Practical on excel calculation.
7. Graphs:
First period: (a) Creating Graphs. (i) Line graph (ii) Histograms (iii) Pie-charts (iv) Legends, etc.
Second Period: (b) Editing graphs
8. Graphs cont.
F & S period: (c) Formatting graphs: (i) Line graph (ii) Histograms (iii) Pie-charts (iv) Legends
9. Practical on Excel graphs.

10. Revision

WEEK 1. Revision of First term work
Content: – Meaning and Definition of Spreadsheet Package

Sub-Topic 1: Meaning and Definition of Spreadsheet Package
A Package can be defined as software written to perform a particular task. Therefore, a Spreadsheet Package is a program that enables the computer user to carry out calculation-related tasks. Spreadsheets are majorly used for organizing and analyzing numeric data. They were designed to replace the pencil, calculator and the writing pad.
It is widely used in diverse range of discipline like Engineering, Mathematics, Science, Accounting, etc.

Examples of Spreadsheet Package.
 Lotus 1-2-3
 Microsoft Excel
 Quattro pro
 Easy Calc
 GS-Calc
 Super-Calc
 Visical

NOTE: For the purpose of this lesson, our focus shall be on Microsoft Excel because it is user-friendly, flexible and contains more advanced features.

Sub-topic 2:

 For Statistical analysis
 For… LESSON NOTE DOWNLOAD…. CLICK HERE to download the complete lesson note.

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