Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term SS1 Agricultural Science Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

1. Revision of Last Term Work
2-3. Cultural Practices: Pre-planting, Planting and Post-Planting Operations
4-5. Husbandry and Cultivation of Some Selected Crops
6. Agricultural Ecology
7. Rock Formation and Types
8. Rock Weathering and Process of Rock Weathering
9. Factors of Soil Formation
10. Revision.
11-12. Examination

• Essential Agricultural Science by O. A. Iwena
• Fundamental Agricultural Science by P. E. Okafor
• Prescribed Agricultural Science by Omoruyi and Oruhue
• SSCE Agricultural Science Pack

Week 1:
Revision of Last Term Work… Click here to order the complete Agricultural Science Lesson Note for SS1 second term

Week 2:

 Pre-planting Operations
 Planting Operations
 Post-planting Operations

Cultural Practices: Cultural practices are the various activities carried out on the farm before, during and after planting to ensure proper growth and establishment of crops.Cultural practices are classified into: pre-planting, planting, post-planting operations.
Pre-planting operations are the operations carried out before planting, while planting is the sowing of seeds and post-posting operations include thinning, supplying, irrigation, manuring, mulching and weeding… Click here to order the complete second term Agricultural Science Lesson Note for SS1

Week 3:

Manuring/fertilizer applicationis the addition of organic manure such as poultry droppings, cow dung and green manure or inorganic manure (made from chemicals) to the soil to maintain soil fertility. Manure can be in form of:
1. Animal and plant refuse (organic manure)
2. Chemical manure (inorganic manure).

Types of Organic Manure
1. Green manure: This involves growing of a crop usually a legume and just before flowering it is ploughed into the top soil to rot down
2. Farmyard manure: This consists of faeces or excreta, urine and other waste products of domesticated animals. Animals dropping are usually mixed with straw.
3. Compost: Plant…  Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Agricultural Science SS1 second term
Week 4:
Get the complete second Term SS1 Agricultural Science Lesson Note
Week 5:
Get the complete SS1 Lesson Note on Agricultural Science second term
Week 6:
Get the complete SS1 second term Lesson Note on Agricultural Science
Week 7:
Get the complete second Term SS1 Agricultural Science Lesson Note
Week 8:
Get the complete lesson for SS1 Agricultural Science second term
Week 9:
Get the complete second term Lesson Note on Agricultural Science SS1
Week 10:
Get the complete second Term SS1 Agricultural Science Lesson Note

PS: You can download the Complete MS Word (editable) Version of this note directly to your device (phone or computer). To download, CLICK HERE.


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