Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term SS1 Biology Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

1. Reproduction (Meaning, Types and Form of Asexual Reproduction)
2. Sexual Reproduction (Conjugation, Meiosis) and Excretory Organelles in Living Cells
3. Reproduction in Unicellular Organisms and Invertebrates
4. Irritability and Movement
5. Nutrition in Animals (Food Substances and Digestive Enzymes)
6. Basic Ecological Concepts
7. Biomes
8. Population Studies
9. Functioning Ecosystem
10. Ecological Management
11. Revision and Examination

• Modern Biology for Senior Secondary Schools by S.T. Ramlingam
• Essential Biology by M.C Michael
• New Biology by H. Stone and Cozen
• SSCE, past questions and answers
• New System Biology by Lam and Kwan
• College Biology by Idodo Umeh
• UTME, SSCE and CAMBRIDGE past questions and answers
• Biology practical text

Week 1:

– Meaning and Types of Reproduction
– Forms of Asexual Reproduction
– Sexual Reproduction (Conjugation and Fusion of Gametes)
– Meiosis and Importance of Meiosis

Reproduction is the ability of an organism to give rise to new individuals of the same species in order to ensure continuity of life.
There are two types of reproduction
a. asexual reproduction
b. sexual reproduction
a. Asexual Reproduction: is the process whereby an organism produces an offspring by itself. I.e. only one parent is presence. No gametes involved thus there is no fusion of nuclei, but the cells that give rise to the offspring usually divide by means of mitosis. Offspring produced are identical to the parent in all respect and are called clones
b. Sexual Reproduction: is a type… Click here to order the complete Biology Lesson Note for SS1 second term

Week 2:

• Sexual Reproduction
• Conjugation
• Fusion of Gametes
• Meiosis
• Excretion
There are two types of sexual reproduction, this include conjugation and fusion of gametes.
a. Conjugation: the simplest form of sexual reproduction, as contrasted with asexual reproduction. This is observed in some unicellular organisms e. g. paramecium, fungi e. g. rhizopus, algae e. g. spirogyra. Two similar organisms (conjugants) join together and exchange genetic material contained in their nuclei. After the exchange, the organisms separate. The zygote or zygosphere form is capable of developing into a new organism.
b. Fusion of Gametes: This occurs in higher organisms where gametes (male and female sex cells) are produced in special structures by a process known as gametogenesis which involves meiotic cell divisions. Fertilization, the process in which haploid male and female sex cells fuse together to producing a single diploid cell (zygote) that develops into an adult organism occurs after gamatogenesis.

1. Describe conjugation in spirogyra.
2. Define spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

Meiosis is the reduction method of division that leads to… Click here to order the complete second term Biology Lesson Note for SS1

Week 3:

• Reproduction in Amoeba(Binary and Multiple Fission)
• Reproduction in Paramecium(Sexual and Asexual)
• Reproduction in Spirogyra
• Reproduction in Earthworm
• Reproduction in Cockroach
• Reproduction in Housefly
• Reproduction in Snail
Amoeba reproduces asexually by binary fission and multiple fission (sporulation) during adverse condition.
In binary fission when an amoeba reaches full size, it stops moving and divides into two equal parts starting from the nucleus. This is followed by the division of the cytoplasm, after which two daughter amoebae are formed.
In multiple fission amoeba becomes rounded and secretes around itself a cyst. Inside the cyst, the nucleus divides several times. When conditions becomes favourable, the cyst burst; each nucleus surrounded by a part of the cytoplasm of the parent. In this way, very small amoebae are formed.

Paramecium reproduces asexually by binary fission and sexually by conjugation.
Binary fission occurs under… Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Biology SS1 second term

Week 4:
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Week 5:
Get the complete SS1 Lesson Note on Biology second term
Week 6:
Get the complete SS1 second term Lesson Note on Biology
Week 7:
Get the complete second Term SS1 Biology Lesson Note
Week 8:
Get the complete lesson for SS1 Biology second term
Week 9:
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Week 10:
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