Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term SS1 Physics Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

1. Heat Energy, Concept of Heat and Temperature, Effects of Heat and Uses
2. Thermometer and Its Type, Evaporation and Boiling
3. Expansion of Solid, Effect and Applications of Expansion
4. Expansivity and Its Application – Linear, Area and Volume. Anomalous Expansion of Water. Real and Apparent Expansivity
5. Heat Transfer – Conduction, Convection, Radiation and Their Applications
6. Electric Charges – Production, Types, Distribution and Storage
7. Gold Leaf Electroscope and its Uses. Lighting and Lighting Conductor
8. Fields – Concept and Types of Field. Gravitational and Magnetic Field, Force of Gravity
9. Electric Field – Line of Forces, Properties of Line of Force, Description and Properties of Force Field
10. Production of Continuous Electric Current

• New School Physics By M.W Anyakoha
• Senior Secondary School Physics By P.N Okeke

Week 1:

TOPIC: Heat Energy, Concept of Heat and Temperature and Effects of Heat
 Concept of Heat
 Temperature
 Effect of Heat on bodies.
Concept of Heat
Heat is a concept of physics that deals with the study of relative motion of fluid (liquid and gas) from one body to another. It is a form of energy that can be transferred from one body due to temperature differences.

Temperature is the degree of hotness and coldness of a body or an object. It is a scalar quantity, measured in Kelvin. Heat and Temperature are similar but not the same

Differences between Heat and Temperature
1. Heat is a measure of the total internal energy of a body while temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of the body.
2. Heat takes place due to temperature difference while temperature occurs due to slight change of substance.
3. Heat is measured in joules while temperature is measured in Kelvin / Celsius.

Effect of Heat
When heat is applied to a body the following effect may occur
1. Expansion: when heat is applied, volumes increases while density decreases.
2. Change in temperature: When heat is added on a body, the temperature increases
3. Change of state… Click here to order the complete Physics Lesson Note for SS1 second term

Week 2:

TOPIC: Thermometer and Its Type. Evaporation and Boiling


  • Thermometer and Their Thermometric Substance
  • Fixed Point of Thermometer
  • Evaporation and Boiling

Thermometer and Their Thermometric Substance

Thermometric substances are substances which changes in proportion to temperature.

1. Liquid in glass Mercury or alcohol Change in volume with temperature
2. Constant volume gas thermometer Gas Change in pressure with temperature
3. Thermoelectric thermometer Two different metal (iron and copper) Change in potential difference due to temperature difference
4. Resistant thermometer Resistant wire Change in resistant with temperature
5. Bimetallic thermometer Two dissimilar metal (brass and iron) Differential expansion of two metals of the bimetallic stripes


  1. Mercury does not wet glass
  2. Mercury response quickly to slight change in temperature
  3. The liquid does not vaporize easily… Click here to order the complete second term Physics Lesson Note for SS1

Week 3:

TOPIC: Expansion of Solid, Effect and Applications of Expansion
 Effect and Application of Thermal Expansion of Solid
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Thermal Expansion of Solid

Effect and Application of Thermal Expansion of Solid
1. When hot water is poured in a glass tumbler, it might crack due to the uneven expansion of the inner wall of the tumbler.
2. The cracking noise of zinc roof during the day and night.
3. Thermal expansion of solid is used in the construction of bridges in which one side is fixed and the other is placed on rollers to allow for expansion.
4. The stopper of a bottle can be removed due to the expansion of the glass.
5. In the construction of concrete pavement, little spaces are left within the concrete to allow for expansion.
6. Gaps are left in the construction of railway tracks to give room for expansion.
7. Bimetallic stripes are use in thermostat for controlling or regulating the flow of electric current.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Thermal Expansion of Solid
1. Fire alarm e.g. electric bell
2. The fittings of wheels in rims
3. Bimetallic thermometer
4. Red hot rivet in ship building
5. Bimetallic stripes used in thermometer e.g. electric cooker etc

1. Cracking of drinking glass when hot liquid poured inside
2. If the… Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Physics SS1 second term

Week 4:
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Week 5:
Get the complete SS1 Lesson Note on Physics second term
Week 6:
Get the complete SS1 second term Lesson Note on Physics
Week 7:
Get the complete second Term SS1 Physics Lesson Note
Week 8:
Get the complete lesson for SS1 Physics second term
Week 9:
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Week 10:
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