Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term SS2 Civic Education Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term SS2 Civic Education Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1. Popular Participation
2. Formation of Popular Organization
3. Human Rights
4. Emergency
5. Drug Use and Abuse I
6. Drug Use and Abuse II
7. Effects of Drug Abuse
8. Prevention of Drug Abuse
9. Activities of Drug Law Enforcement Agencies

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary School Book 2, Sola Akinyemi.

Popular participation is the willingness and active involvement of the people in the conduct of the affairs of the state at various levels. Popular participation is important in democracy and it allows for effective operation and stability of the political system.

Factors that can Promote Popular Participation
1. Good governance.
2. Supremacy of the constitution.
3. Respect for human rights.
4. Mass education.
5. Enlightenment campaign.
6. Freedom of press.
7. Application of rule of law.
8. Free and fair election.

Reasons why people do not participate in politics
1. Unfulfilled political promises: People refuse to participate in public affairs due to the failure or inability of the leaders to fulfill their promises.
2. Illiteracy: The illiterates in the society see… LESSON NOTE DOWNLOAD…. CLICK HERE to download the complete lesson note.

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PS: If you would rather download this lesson note (the complete Ms Word Editable Version), then CLICK HERE.



  • Edupodia

    Thanks for stopping by Daniel. I’m glad you like EduPodia.

  • Adigwe Daniel

    Cool ?

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