Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term SS3 Physics Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term SS3 Physics Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1 Alternating Current (I)
2 Alternating Current (II)
3 Models of the Atom
4 Radioactivity (I)
5 Radioactivity (2)
6 Energy Quantization
7 Photo-Electricity (x-ray)
8 Conduction of Electricity in gases.
9 Wave- Particle Paradox
10 Rockets and Satellites; Component parts and functions Basic Electronics;

• New School Physics by Prof. M.W Anyakoha.
• New System Physics by Dr. Chow.et.al
• WAEC past Questions pack
• UTME past Question pack
• MASTERS Physics Practical Manual.

 Alternating Current Circuit
 Graphical Representation
 Peak and R.M.S. Values

A.C circuits are circuits through which an alternating current flows. Such circuits are used extensively in power transmission, radio and television, computer technology, telecommunication and in medicine. It varies sinusoid ally or periodically, in such a way as to reverse its direction periodically. The commonest form of such a.c can be represented by;
I = Io sin 2π ft……………………………………………………………………… 1
= Io sin wt
I is the instantaneous current at a time t, Io is the maximum ( or peak ) value of current or its amplitude; f is the frequency and w = ( 2π ft) us the angular velocity, (wt) is the phase angle of the current
V = Vo sin 2 π ft…………………………………………………………………………………..2
= Vo sin wt
If an a.c voltage is represented by 1f
V = 4 sin 900 πt, calculate the peak and instantaneous voltage
The peak voltage, Vo = 4v
2πft = 900πt
f = 900
f = 450Hz
w = 2πf = 900π
Peak, and r.m.s. values of a.c

1. Differentiate between peak and r.m.s voltage.
2. Calculate the peak and instantaneous voltage of an a.c source represented by; V = 5 sin 500∏t.

Variation of alternating current (or voltage) with time
An alternating current ( or voltage) varies sinusoidally as shown in the diagram…

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