Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Third Term JSS2 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Third Term JSS2 Agricultural Science Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1. Revision of last term’s work
2. Fishery: Meaning and Importance
3. Classification of Fishes
4 Establishment of Fish Pond
5. Method of Fishing
6 Forest: Meaning and Types of Forest
7 Forest Resources and their uses
8. Effect of forest on the Environment
9. Human activities that affect the forest
10. Revision
11 – 12 Examination

1. Junior secondary agriculture for Nigerian Schools BK 2 by A. Youdeowei, S.O Adesiyan, J.N Ogbazi, Terry Olowu et al.
2. Junior secondary agriculture for Nigerian Schools BK 3 by A. Youdeowei, S.O Adesiyan, J.N Ogbazi, Terry Olowu et al.
3. Essential Agricultural Science for Senior Secondary Schools.

1. Feed that contain high proportion of nutrients and low proportion of fibre and water are
A. Concentrates B. Roughages C. Succulents D. Carbohydrates
2. The following are mineral elements except A. Chromium B. Potassium C. Oxygen
D. Sulphur
3. The chemical symbol for calcium, carbon and chromium is A. Ca, C, Cr B. ca, c, cr
C. CA, C, CR D. CA, C, Cr
4. Which of the following disease is characterized by the enlargement of bowel A. Kata
B. Bloat C. Coccidiosis D. Diarrhea
5. Which of the following is not a method of preventing disease A. Isolation of sick animals
B. Preventing animals from lying on cold floor C. Spraying or dipping animals in insecticides D. Administration of drugs indiscriminately
6. The signs of the presence of disease in an animal is referred to as A. Signs B. Signals
C. SymptomsD. Behaviours
7. Frequent defecation in farm animals is referred to as A. Diarrhea B. Anorexia
C. Anaemia D. Pneumonia
8. Ringworm is a ____ disease A. Fungal B. Bacterial C. Protozoa D. Viral
9. The causal organism of trypanosomiasis is ____ A. Tsetsefly B. Aphids C. Trypanosome
D. Earthworm
10. Brucellaabortus is the causal organism for which of the following bacteria disease
A. Mastitis B. Anthrax C. Cowpox D. Contagious abortion
11. Shortage of blood is also called A. Anaemia B. Fever C. Diarrhea D. Constipation
12. Which of the following mostly affect the intestine of the birds A. Ringworm B. Cowpox C. TyphoidD. Contagious abortion
13. The following are ecto parasites except A. Tick B. Mite C. Lice D. Tapeworm
14. Feeds that are low in nutrient but high in fibre and not easily digested by animals is
A. Concentrates B. Roughages C. Succulents D. Manure
15. The following are not easily digested by animal except A. hay, B. groundnut hulls
C. bean pods D. silage.
16. ____ are required by the animals in large quantities A. Mega-elements B. Nano-elements C. Macro-elements. D. Micro elements.
17. A _____ is a feed constituent that contains all essential nutrients in their appropriate quantities A. balanced ration B. imbalanced ration C. maintenance ratio D. diet
18. The following are bacteria diseases except A. Anthrax B. Typhoid C. Mastistis
D. ringworm.
19. Another name for contagious abortion is A. Anthrax B. Typhoid C. Mastistis
D. Brucellosis
20. The following are symptoms of worm infection except A. Coughing B. Diarrhea C. Loss of weight D. tuberculosis.

1. Differentiate between disease and symptom.
2. List five common symptoms.
3. List five general guidelines for prevention and control of animal diseases.
4. List 3 bacteria and viral diseases each.
5. Write short note on trypanosomiasis under the following headers i. Mode of transmission ii. Symptoms iii. Prevention and control
6. List three animal feeding tools.
7. List 10 mineral element and their symbols.
8. List three types of feed and give two examples each.
9. List four classes of feed nutrient with two sources each.

1. Which of the following is a common symptom of disease in animal? a. uremia b. normal blood c. Anaemia d. increase food consumption.
2. A change in the normal function or well-being of farm animals caused by another organism is known as ____ a. pest b. parasite c. disease d. symptoms.
3. The following are mode of transmission of farm animal disease except a.Air (airborne)
b. Water c.direct contact with organism d. in-direct contact with organism.
4. The following are bacteria diseases except a. Anthrax b. Typhoid c. Mastistis
5. Which of these farm animal disease shows with the appearance of lesions on the skin?
a. ringworm b. cowpox c. mastitis d. anthrax.
1. State the mode of transmission, Symptoms, Method of prevention and control of the following; A. Mastistis B. Aspergillosis
2. List types of protozoans diseases.

WEEK TWO…. CLICK HERE to download the complete lesson note.

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