Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Third Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

1. Internet I
2. Internet Browser
3. Benefits of using the Internet
4. Abuse of the Internet
5. Computer Network
6. Data Communication
7. Computer Ethics
8. Ways of misusing the Computer System
9. Safety Measures I
10. Safety Measures II

Week 1:

Reference Book
A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan
The word “INTERNET” stands for International Network simply put as NET. It comprises of all computers around the world, connected together to share resources and information irrespective of distance and/or geographical location. The Internet is a worldwide communication medium or pool from where people all over the world could exchange retrieve, disseminate and store information thus, turning the world into a global village. It is the use of internet that actually turns the world into a global village where users like government, military, educational and commercial institutions around the world becomes one. There is no person, company, government or country that can claim single ownership of the internet. The computers within the internet are connected via communication equipments including telephone lines i.e. wired or wireless, satellites etc.

The internet that is International Network is an electronic means of communication via a computer network, whereby people all over the world can have access to information at any time in a matter of seconds. Information can be given to people all over the world to see and retrieve at the same time using computer and telephone. It is the fastest and the most reliable means of data and information transfer.

Internet is a worldwide communication medium where people all over the world can exchange, retrieve, disseminate and store information. No one person or… Click here to order the complete Computer Science Lesson Note for JSS2 third term

Week 2:

Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan

The Internet Browser or Web Browser is a program that enables you to view and explore information on the web. Examples of Internet Browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla Firefox etc. The internet Explorer is the device used to connect users to the internet on a Microsoft computer. To download the internet explorer on your computer, click on the “blue” e on the computer desktop. After you have done this, the internet page will appear. The particular web page that loads on your screen is your screen is your default homepage. You can change it if you wish. If no page is loaded, it means you have not connected to the internet or there is a problem with your connection.
To download a website off your choice after you have downloaded the internet page, type the address of the website you want to browse in the address bar e.g. www.yahoo.com and press enter key. The internet explorer would quickly search for the website and bring it to your view for browsing. What the internet will bring to you is the web page on that website. All the information you need to know about the organization will be displayed.

The internet can be used for the following purposes
1. Getting information e.g. news, results of exams i.e. NECO, WAEC, JAMB etc
2. Displaying information.
3. For entertainment e.g. playing games, watching movie etc
4. Communication e.g. sending e-mail, chatting etc
5. Application for jobs
6. Buying and selling e.g. e-commerce
7. For banking e.g. money transfer

1. What is Internet browser?
2. Mention FIVE uses of the internet.

E-mail is an acronym of Electronic Mail. It is the most widely used resource on the net. It has a common resource provided by the net for sending and receiving electronic mail. E-mail has become the livewire for… Click here to order the complete third term Computer Science Lesson Note for JSS2

Week 3:

Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan

The users of internet cut across various professional and non professionals alike. Users of the internet have access to the following facilities.
1. Access to data bank and research information.
2. E-COMMERCE: this is the act of buying and selling on the internet: doing business on the internet.
3. QUICK AND EFFECTIVE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION: The internet provides search tools called Search Engines for users to get information quickly and easily. Easy maintenance and… Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Computer Science JSS2 third term

Week 4:
Get the complete third Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note
Week 5:
Get the complete JSS2 Lesson Note on Computer Science third term
Week 6:
Get the complete JSS2 third term Lesson Note on Computer Science
Week 7:
Get the complete third Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note
Week 8:
Get the complete lesson for JSS2 Computer Science third term
Week 9:
Get the complete third term Lesson Note on Computer Science JSS2
Week 10:
Get the complete third Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note

PS: You can download the Complete MS Word (editable) Version of this note directly to your device (phone or computer). To download, CLICK HERE.


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