Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Third Term JSS2 Computer Science Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Third Term JSS2 Computer Science Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1. Internet I
2. Internet Browser
3. Benefits of using the Internet
4. Abuse of the Internet
5. Computer Network
6. Data Communication
7. Computer Ethics
8. Ways of misusing the Computer System
9. Safety Measures I
10. Safety Measures II

Reference Book
A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan
The word “INTERNET” stands for International Network simply put as NET. It comprises of all computers around the world, connected together to share resources and information irrespective of distance and/or geographical location. The Internet is a worldwide communication medium or pool from where people all over the world could exchange retrieve, disseminate and store information thus, turning the world into a global village. It is the use of internet that actually turns the world into a global village where users like government, military, educational and commercial institutions around the world becomes one. There is no person, company, government or country that can claim single ownership of the internet. The computers within the internet are connected via communication equipments including telephone lines i.e. wired or wireless, satellites etc.

The internet that is International Network is an electronic means of communication via a computer network, whereby people all over the world can have access to information at any time in a matter of seconds. Information can be given to people all over the world to see and retrieve at the same time using computer and telephone. It is the fastest and the most reliable means of data and information transfer.

Internet is a worldwide communication medium where people all over the world can exchange, retrieve, disseminate and store information. No one person or organization owns the internet. It belongs collectively to the telecommunication companies.

What is Internet?

E-mail simply means electronic mail. It is the most widely used resource on the net. It has a common resource provided by the net from sending and receiving electronic. E-mail has become the live wire for many business and personal communication. It is easier, faster and better. Email are sent and received to or from any part of the world in a second. To send e-mail involves composing the message, connecting and sending the message. Generally, the message is created or composed on the computer and send through the same medium to the destination. To facilitates effective use of e-mail facilities, user also needs to have his or her own e-mail address (i.e. adeoleganoloaniyi@yahoo.com), because in any form of letter writing there is always the addresser’s address and the addressee’s address.

1. What is E-mail?
2. Give an example of e-mail address

The World Wide Web (www) is… LESSON NOTE DOWNLOAD…. CLICK HERE to download the complete lesson note.

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