Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Third Term JSS3 Computer Science Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

 1. Network Systems I
2. Network Systems I
3. Data collection stages
4. Processing method
5. Starting up word processing package II
6. Starting up word processing package II
7-8. Revision

Week 1:
REF. BOOK: Early Learning of Computer Studies for Junior Secondary Schools.
By Yomi Soyombo
A computer network communication is a system connecting two or more computers that are together to exchange information and share resources.
Complex Networking can be defined as the interconnection of computers within an area for the sharing of data and other computer peripherals. Each computer system connected to the computer network station is called WORKSTATION.
Network architecture describes how the network is arranged and how the resources are coordinated and shared.
An environment in which more than one person use the system at about the same time is referred to as A MULTI-USER ENVIRONMENT. In a multi-user environment, several terminals are… Click here to order the complete Computer Science Lesson Note for JSS3 third term

Week 2:
REF. BOOK: A Handbook on Computer Studies. By: Niyi Adekolegan
There are three major types of computer network which are:
This type of network connects computers in an office or within a building together to share files, information, programs and resources like printer, scanner, etc.
This is a network of computers within different towns or cities for the purpose of sharing files and information. For example, computers in a UBA bank in Abuja can be linked together with computers of another UBA branch office in Lagos to share information on customers’ accounts.
This is a network that connects computers all over the world to share files and information. It involves… Click here to order the complete third term Computer Science Lesson Note for JSS3

Week 3:
REF. BOOK: Welcome to Computer Studies for Junior Secondary Schools.
By: Boye Jokotoye.
Network topology is what carries all the data from one point to another and determines how the network works. The term topology refers to the shape or the structure of the network. There are several different topologies available to connect micro computers to form a network.
Types of Network Topology:
1. Bus Topology
2. Star Topology
3. Ring Topology
This is a network where basically one single cable is used to form one end of the network to the other and with different network nodes (devices connected to the cable of different locations).
In star topology, all cables run from the computers to a central location where all are connected by a device called a HUB. Each computer on a star network communicates with the central hub.
A ring topology is… Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Computer Science JSS3 third term

Week 4:
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Week 5:
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Week 6:
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Week 7:
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Week 8:
Get the complete lesson for JSS3 Computer Science third term
Week 9:
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Week 10:
Get the complete third Term JSS3 Computer Science Lesson Note

PS: You can download the Complete MS Word (editable) Version of this note directly to your device (phone or computer). To download, CLICK HERE.


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