Are you looking for how to write lesson plan for secondary school? If you are, then this article, “Complete Guide on Writing Lesson Plan in Nigeria”, is for you.

In this write-up, I have taken the time to explain everything you need to know about lesson planning in teaching.

Complete Guide on Writing Lesson Plan in Nigeria

This article, complete guide on writing lesson plan in Nigeria, covers the following topics: what is lesson plan, why is lesson planning important, elements of a lesson plan, lesson planning steps and example of lesson plan or sample of lesson plan.

What Is Lesson Plan?

A lesson plan is a teacher’s detailed guide for facilitating a lesson. How detailed the plan is depends on the preference of the teacher, the subject being covered and the need and or curiosity of the students.

Typically, a lesson plan includes the basic objective of the lesson (what the students need to learn), a collection of teaching and learning activities (how the teacher plan to achieve the goal, his method of delivery and procedure) and assessment methods (ways to measure if the objective of the lesson was achieved or not).

Teaching or lesson plan is therefore the teacher’s guide detailing what the students need to learn, how it will be taught, and how learning will be measured. A good lesson plan helps the teacher to be more effective in the classroom.

Why Is Lesson Planning Important?

If you have been teaching for some time now, you will no doubt vouch for the importance of a lesson plan. Nothing can be so frustrating like entering a class without a plan, it’s like finding yourself in a new city without a guide.

Hence this article, “Complete Guide on Writing Lesson Plan in Nigeria” will not be complete if I fail to mention why lesson plans are important.

complete guide on writing lesson plan in Nigeria - EduPodia

Here are seven reasons why a lesson plan is very important.

1. Guidance:

A good lesson plan helps the teacher answer the two most important questions; what to teach and how to teach.

2. Builds the confidence in Teachers:

A good lesson plan apart from helping the teacher work towards definite goal helps build self-confidence. You would be up-to-date with new and current teaching styles that are in vogue, thus helping you to adhere to best teaching practices that deliver effective teaching. You will come to be known as a well-informed, highly knowledgeable and a confident teacher.

3. Time Management:

A step-by-step lesson plan helps the teacher to cover the entire lesson within the limited time frame. With a lesson plan, you will be able to teach with a better sense of direction and absolute control.

4. Avoid Repetition:

With the help of a lesson plan, a teacher will mindful of the level and previous knowledge of the students. This helps to avoid repeating the lesson taught earlier. It also helps to eliminate casual omissions especially as students go from one term to another.

5. Create Anticipatory Mood for Students:

With a lesson plan, a teacher will be able to ask proper and important questions that create anticipatory mood for the students in the classroom. This questioning style help prepare the students for what is coming up next. This will also engage the students in communication and in retaining the lesson, especially when you engage them in a focused discussion about a particular topic.

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6. Adequate preparation:

No matter how vast you are in a topic, adequate preparation is important. As lesson plan make teachers to be clear about what to teach and how to teach, it helps in preparing for a class even the more. The teacher can research the topic, gather more information and come up with relevant teaching aids and instructional materials to share with the students.

7. Evaluation:

Lesson plan helps the teacher compare his teaching with set objectives. Evaluation helps the teacher ensure that the students learn what they are supposed to learn.

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  • Edupodia

    We are glad you found it useful. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Sambo samaila Garka

    I really appreciate you guide on lesson plan, this help me a lot. Thanks

  • Edupodia

    Thank you Samuel for leaving a comment/feedback. We are glad you found this guide helpful and resourceful.

  • Samuel

    Wonderful, it really helped me get on with my subject class in preparing a lesson plan as a Corp member

  • Edupodia

    Thanks Frank for the feedback. We are glad you find the guide on lesson plan writing resourceful.

  • Frank

    This is a very resourceful piece. Thanks for sharing.

  • Edupodia

    Thank you Esther, we are glad to hear that you found this piece useful.

  • Olorunkoya Omotoke Esther

    I find this piece of write up very useful in regards to writing a detailed lesson plan. This gave me a new insight to writing a detailed and interesting lesson plan.

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