Elements of a Lesson Plan

There are several lesson plan formats to choose from, and that is great. No matter the format you adopt, it is important to ensure it has the five elements that makes a good lesson plan. These five elements are needed to ensure a successful learning experience.

The five elements of a lesson plan are: linking prior knowledge, engaging and educating, active learning, reflecting and extending learning.

(1) Linking Prior Knowledge: This is where the teacher makes connection with students’ previous knowledge to help the students remember something they already learnt so as to make them feel comfortable learning something new.

(2) Engaging and Educating: Here the teacher introduces new information to engage and educate the students. The use of direct instructions, modeling and concrete examples are highly essential.

(3) Active learning: This is the part where the teacher actively engage the students in a pre-planned activity. The teacher can divide the students into groups to ensure the activity is engaging and interactive.

(4) Reflecting: It is very important to give the students the opportunity to reflect over what they have learnt and either share it orally or by writing.

(5) Extending learning: This is learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. Students must be given opportunity to see how the lesson applies to real world by linking knowledge with future learning.

When these five elements of a lesson plan are included in a lesson, it becomes easy to achieve a successful learning experience for all the students.

Lesson Planning Steps

The next thing we shall look at in this complete guide on writing lesson plan in Nigeria is the six lesson planning steps.

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  • Edupodia

    We are glad you found it useful. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Sambo samaila Garka

    I really appreciate you guide on lesson plan, this help me a lot. Thanks

  • Edupodia

    Thank you Samuel for leaving a comment/feedback. We are glad you found this guide helpful and resourceful.

  • Samuel

    Wonderful, it really helped me get on with my subject class in preparing a lesson plan as a Corp member

  • Edupodia

    Thanks Frank for the feedback. We are glad you find the guide on lesson plan writing resourceful.

  • Frank

    This is a very resourceful piece. Thanks for sharing.

  • Edupodia

    Thank you Esther, we are glad to hear that you found this piece useful.

  • Olorunkoya Omotoke Esther

    I find this piece of write up very useful in regards to writing a detailed lesson plan. This gave me a new insight to writing a detailed and interesting lesson plan.

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