Complete JSS1 English Language Lesson Note

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These lesson notes cover the following topics for JSS1 First, Second and Third Term English Language:

First Term               

  1.               Speech work: Introduction to speech (organs of speech)

            Grammar: Parts of speech – Nouns

             * Meaning, Identification of Nouns in Sentence

             * Types of Nouns with Examples

            Comprehension: The Family~ Unit 1

Composition: Meaning, Types of Composition (Narrative, Descriptive, Argumentative, Expository)

Literature: What is Literature? The Features of Literature.

            Types of Literature: Oral, Historical, Dance, Miming, Drama…see related text.


  1. Speech work: Pure Vowel sounds (Monothongs) with examples

           Comprehension: Unit 2, page 31

           Vocabulary development: Your School Subjects

           Grammar/Structure: Pronouns: Meaning, Identification, Types.           


  1. Comprehension: A Conversation, Page 43

            Grammar/Structure: Verbs: Definition, Identification with examples.

Types of verbs: Transitive, Intransitive, Auxiliary and Lexical, Regular and Irregular (should be given as assignment)

Composition: Outlining the difference between descriptive and narrative essays

Literature:  Introduction to prose and its elements, (plot, style, characterization)

Types of Oral Literature


  1. Comprehension: Unit 6, page 79. Two good Friends

            Grammar:  Adjectives: Definition, Identification,

            Types of  Adjectives

            Composition: Narrative Essay– “My First day in Secondary School”

Speech Work: Vowels /I/

     Literature: What is Oral Literature, Features of Oral Literature and Types.


  1. Comprehension : Unit 7(a) page 91 Oduduwa

                      Grammar: Comparision of Adjectives,

                     Absolute Adjectives:  Excellent, Superior, Total

                    Speech work: Vowel  /e /

                            Composition: Paragraph Writing:

                            Arrangement of Ideas in Logical sequence with       Introduction and  Conclusion.

                            Literature: Introduction to Drama, Elements and Types


  1. Speech work    /ae /

               Grammar: Adverbs : Identification, definition,

                           Types and examples.                                       

                           Composition – Descriptive Essay: A Market Place

                           Comprehension: Unit 7

              Literature – Use Recommended Text. (Prose)


  1. Speech Work:   / a:/

                          Comprehension: Unit 8, page 103. Every Man and Death

                          Composition: Introduction to Letter Writing and Types

.             Literature – Introduction to for folktale


  1. Comprehension: Unit 9

             Composition: Features of an Informal Letter with sample model

 Literature: Introduction to Figures of  Speech ( Simile, Metaphor,   Personification, Alliteration, Assonance)



  1. Speech Work: / /

            Grammar: Introduction to Adverbs ( Features and Functions)

            Comprehension: Unit 9b page 117

            Composition: Informal Letter : Letter to your cousin, telling him about your new school

            Literature: Review of recommended text/ Figures of speech

  1. Revision
  2. Test/ Examination
  3. Examination

Second Term

  1. Revision of Last Term’s Examination and Work
  2. Speech Work: Consonant/k/and/g/Structure Adverbs: Features, Position and Functions of Adverbs. Comprehension/ Vocabulary Dvpt.: Reading Skill (Reading for maximum Retention and Recall) Composition: Letter Writing: Formal/ Features of Formal Letters Literature: Review on the Genres of Literature (Prose, Poetry and Drama); Use  recommended texts)
  3. Speech Work: Consonants/f/and/v/Structure: Conjunctions: Features, Position and Functions of Conjunctions. Comprehension/Vocabulary Dvpv: Writing Skill – answering questions on given passage. Composition: Letter writing Formal letters (Guided writing) Literature: Prose-Literary terms (use recommended text)
  4. Speech Work: Vowels/u/and/u:/: Structure: Prepositions: Features, Position and Functions of Prepositions. Comprehension/Vocabulary Dvpt: Reading and writing Skills (Intensive) Reading/Answering questions on given passage. Composition: Letter Writing – Guided writing (emphasis on Arrangement of ideas in logical sequence) Literature: Myths and Legends (African and Non-African tales comprising Myths and Legends)
  5. Speech Work: Vowel /æ/ and /ℨ:/: Comprehension/Vocabulary Dvpt.: Writing Skill Giving Specific Answers of a Given Passage Structure: Adverbials (making sentences with adverbial) Composition: Argumentative (Introduction)
  6. Speech Work Consonants/s/and/z/: Structure: More on Adverbials Comprehension/Vocabulary Dvpt.: Reading and Writing Skill contd Composition: Argumentative – Elements of composition Literature: Drama – Drama text, theme, Features; related literary terms
  7. Speech Work: Vowels – Introduction to Diphthongs (example) Structure: More on Adverbials and Tenses (using each item in sentences) Comprehension/Vocabulary Dvpt.: Reading Skill-Reading to understand the Author’s mood Composition: Argumentative – Arrangement of ideas in logical sequence
  8. Speech Work: Vowels:/ei/:Structure: Making sentences with adverbs, conjunctions and preposition Comprehension/Vocabulary Dvpt.: Writing Skill Composition: Argumentative (Guided Composition/writing) Literature: Drama: Types, Literary terms, Written text (Costumes, play Director, etc)
  9. Speech Work: Vowels:/ai/Structure: More on Adverbs, Conjunctions and Prepositions Comprehension/Vocabulary Dvpt.: Reading Skill Composition: Argumentative (Guided writing) Literature: More on Figures of Speech.
  10. Speech Work: Consonant / Ɵ/ and / ð /Structure: Verbs – Poems of Verbs Comprehension/Vocabulary Dvpt.: Reading and Writing Skills Composition: Speech Writing – Introduction Literature: Prose (use recommended Text)
  11. Revision
  12. Tests
  13. Examinations

Third Term


Speech Work: Diphthong

Grammar: Verb—Introduction

Comprehension: Unit 15, pages 194-195

Vocabulary Development: Air Transport

Composition: Descriptive Essay

Literature: Use of Recommended Text

  1. Speech Work: /Iᶕ/ and /aI/

Grammar: Tenses of Active and Passive Voice

Comprehension: Page 16

Composition: Elements of Descriptive Essay

Literature: Use of Recommended on Prose: Setting and Plot

  1. Speech Work: Introduction to Consonant sounds (twelve)

Grammar: The Use of Active and PassiveVoice with examples

Comprehension: Unit 3, Page 54

Composition: Argumentative Essay: Male Child is More Useful than a Female Child

Literature Poetry (Identification in a Poem).

  1. Speech Work:Two,Three&Four Syllables

Grammar: The Use of Active and Passive Voice with example

Comprehension: Unit 4, Page 54

Composition:Argumentative Essay: AMale Child is More Useful than a Female Child

Literature:Myths and Legend with moral Moral lessons from a legend.

Vocabulary Development:Words Associated with the Sick Bay

  1. Speech Work: Syllables Continued

Grammar: Exercises on Active andPasive Voice

Comprehension: Refer to Week 7 of 2nd Term

Composition: Formal Letter

Literature: Analysis of a Poem

Vocabulary Development: WordsAssociated with Cooking Page 156

  1. Grammar: Statements/ Tag Questionsand Responses

Speech Work: Consonant Clusters

Comprehension: Page 106; Unit 9

Composition: Narrative: An Accident I Witnessed

Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Teaching

Literature: Drama Text

  1. Speech Work: Contsonanants (contd)

Grammar: Differences between Polar and Tag Questions

Comprehension: Revisit Week 8 0f 2nd Term

Vocabulary Development:  Spelling Drills

Composition: Expository Essay

Literature: Recommended Text on Prose And Poetry

  1. Speech Work: /ᶕu/, /ai/ and /ei/

Grammar: Exercises on Verbs

Comprehension: Revisit Week 9 of 2ndTerm

Composition: (Oral) School Rules

Vocabulary Development:  Spelling Drills

Literature:Changing Similes to Metaphors

  1. Grammar: Revision of Nouns, Pronoun, Verbs and Adjectives

Speech: Diphthongs  (contd) exercise

Comprehension: Activity on Passage

Composition: Review all types of Essays

Literature: Figures of Speech

10           REVISION

11-12      EXAMINATION

2 reviews for Complete JSS1 English Language Lesson Note

  1. Edupodia

    Thanks for the review/feedback Basirat, we are glad you found our lesson notes useful and helpful.

  2. Basirat

    Nice job edupodia???

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