Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term JSS3 Civic Education Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term JSS3 Civic Education Lesson Note.

Scheme of Work:

1. Elections:
– Meaning
– Types of Elections
2. Importance of Election in Democratic Society
3. Electoral Bodies in Nigeria
– Uses
– Composition and Roles
4. Free and Fair Elections
– Meaning
– Importance/Need for Free and Fair Elections
5. Electoral Malpractices in Nigeria
– Meaning of Electoral Malpractices
– Forms of Electoral Malpractices
– Causes of Electoral Malpractices
6. Ways of Preventing Electoral Malpractices in Nigeria
7. Democratic Process
– Voting
– Voters Registration
– Process of Voting
– Importance of Voting
8. Revision
9. Examination
Fundamentals of Civic Education For Basic 9, JSS 3 by Sola Akinyemi.

Election can be defined as an act or process of voting for a candidate to represent the people of a country in various government positions. It is also defined as a process of choosing our political leaders. Examples of political office holders or leaders are President, Governors, Members of the houses of Senate and Representatives, Chairman and Counsellors of Local Government Areas. Election is a procedure that allows citizens of a country to choose their leaders or representatives… LESSON NOTE DOWNLOAD…. CLICK HERE to download the complete lesson note.

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