Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Third Term JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note excerpt.

Scheme of Work

1 Revision of last term work
2 National consciousness and identity
3 National symbols and their meaning
4 National symbols (cont.)
5 National symbols – National Anthem and Pledge
6 and 7 Measures adopted by Nigeria government to promote unity among Nigerians
8 How individuals cans promote National Unity
9 Nigerian constitution
10 – 11 Revision
12 Examination

Week 1:

Topic: National Consciousness and Identity
OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson,students should be able to say
Meaning of Consciousness
Meaning of National Consciousness
Meaning of National Identity
Meaning of Consciousness

Consciousness means being able to use one’s sense and mental powers to understand events happening at particular point in time. Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or… Click here to order the complete Civic Education Lesson Note for JSS1 third term

Week 2:

National Identity

National Identity is the act of belonging and identifying with a nation. It is… Click here to order the complete third term Civic Education Lesson Note for JSS1

Week 3:

OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson,students should be able to say
Meaning of National Symbol

The National Symbols

The National Flag: The Nigerian flag which was designed by Mr Taiwo Akinkunmi in 1958 is made up of two colours; white and green. The white part… Click here to order the complete Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS1 third term

Week 4:
Get the complete third Term JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note
Week 5:
Get the complete JSS1 Lesson Note on Civic Education third term
Week 6:
Get the complete JSS1 third term Lesson Note on Civic Education
Week 7:
Get the complete third Term JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note
Week 8:
Get the complete lesson for JSS1 Civic Education third term
Week 9:
Get the complete third term Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS1
Week 10:
Get the complete third Term JSS1 Civic Education Lesson Note

PS: You can download the MS Word (editable) Version of this note directly to your device (phone or computer). To download, CLICK HERE.


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